Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Floor Cleaning
If you are in the market for an electrostatic discharge flooring option, it’s because you have a specific need. The production of specialty products in the biomedical research sector to the computing sector can require particular flooring that dissipated electrical charge building on employees.
Static electricity can hit your products hard and without any warning signs or indications of any kind. It can burn out small circuitry and even affect the equipment in the space that you rely on, causing things like ethernet ports to burn out prematurely. ESD flooring can help solve these issues, but keeping ESD flooring clean and finished properly is critical if you want to continue relying on it to do its job.
That’s where we come in! Here at Night Owl Floor Services, we help keep the floors in your business clean so you can keep on producing your products for your customers with confidence.
We know exactly what it takes to keep ESD floors clean and working for you!
Strengths of ESD Flooring
To keep your products and assets free from the dangers that static electricity poses, you will need a floor that can help to drain the static electricity away. There are quite a few different kinds of ESD flooring, but they must possess the following similar strengths.
Allows static electricity to dissipate easily
Reduces the risk to sensitive products, components, and assets which can save you time and money
Can extend the lifespan of both the products you produce and the assets that you own by a tremendous amount
Many ESD flooring options are highly glossy and conducive to beautiful high-shine finishes that leave them looking great.
The different colors, tones, and texture options are available to match or make any aesthetic possible
ESD flooring requires little in the way of long-term upkeep; as long as you keep it clean and finished, it can provide ROI for many years to come
Weaknesses of ESD Flooring
Let’s face it, if you are in the market for ESD flooring, there’s a practical reason, and no amount of weaknesses will dissuade you from the purchase. That said, ESD floors don’t have many game-changing weaknesses that will make you regret the purchase.
Let’s take a look at a few of the weaknesses of ESD floors so that you know what you are getting yourself into before you pull the trigger on your new flooring.
Cost can be prohibitive, especially in large scale applications
Application of flooring is complicated and should probably be left to professionals to ensure the floor meets ESD requirements
Must be kept clean to function as intended
Keeping ESD Floors Looking Great
ESD floors are lovely for those who need them on production floors and keep components safe, but if you want to keep them working for you, give Night Owl Floor Services a call at (503) 723-8466. We will set you up with a cleaning schedule to keep your ESD flooring looking fresh and working as intended!